A Sabbath Year Announcement

It would be remiss of the Yahu Ranger Report if, at this time, there was not issued the report of an approaching Sabbath Year beginning at sunset on March 22 (Abib 1) of the Gregorian Year 2023.

For various reasons, there are those who would dismiss any consideration of the validity of Sabbath Years or Jubilee Years as commanded in Scriptures. (Lev. 25: 1-13)

The Yahu Ranger Report strongly disagrees with this position.

First, the knowledge of the Sabbath and Jubilee Years is essential for reconstructing the chronological framework of ancient Israelite history.

Second, once the true Sabbath and Jubilee years are ascertained, it allows us to “clock in” and discover which years are presently Sabbaths and Jubilees. This knowledge holds great significance for the followers of Yahweh.

The book of Hebrews, for example, notes that “The Law,” of which the Sabbath and Jubilee Years are a part, is “a shadow of the coming good things.” (Heb. 10:1) The Sabbath day, to demonstrate, was reckoned as a type of the great sabbatism and rest into which the people of Yahweh will one day enter. (Heb. 3:7-4:13)

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Sabbath Year – Abib or Tishri?

This article is intended for all those who recognize the validity of observing the Sabbath and Jubilee years per the instructions from Scriptures.

It just so happens that many people believe that a Sabbath year begins on the Day of Atonement during the 7th month of Tishri, the autumn of the year, extending up until Tishri of the following year.

Interestingly, these same people readily admit that Scriptures explicitly state that Yahweh’s sacred year begins during the 1st month on Abib 1, which occurs at springtime.

The justification for this anomaly is the claim that Scriptures indicate a different beginning of the year for the Sabbath years other than Abib 1. As stated earlier, they believe that Scriptures reveal a different year system for Sabbath years and Jubilee years in that they would begin on Tishri 10 of the 7th month. Continue reading “Sabbath Year – Abib or Tishri?”

A Sabbath Year Announcement

It would be remiss of the Yahu Ranger Report if, at this time, there was not issued the report of an approaching Sabbath Year beginning at sunset on March 22 (Abib 1) of the Gregorian Year 2023.

For various reasons, there are those who would dismiss any consideration of the validity of Sabbath Years or Jubilee Years as commanded in Scriptures. (Lev. 25: 1-13)

The Yahu Ranger Report strongly disagrees with this position.

First, the knowledge of the Sabbath and Jubilee Years is essential for reconstructing the chronological framework of ancient Israelite history.

Second, once the true Sabbath and Jubilee years are ascertained, it allows us to “clock in” and discover which years are presently Sabbaths and Jubilees. This knowledge holds great significance for the followers of Yahweh.

The book of Hebrews, for example, notes that “The Law,” of which the Sabbath and Jubilee Years are a part, is “a shadow of the coming good things.” (Heb. 10:1) The Sabbath day, to demonstrate, was reckoned as a type of the great sabbatism and rest into which the people of Yahweh will one day enter. (Heb. 3:7-4:13)

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Sabbath Year – Tishri Fallacy-Part 2

So, just how and when did the notion of a Sabbath year beginning with Tishri, the seventh month, get considered and implemented by the Jewish religious leaders? Needless to say, with Part 2 we’re going to find out.

The Transition to the Tishri Year
The New Year date of Tishri 1 for the Sabbath year is an offshoot of late Talmudic interpretation. As has been previously noted in Part 1, Scriptures never claim that the seventh month began a regular Sabbath year.

The deduction that Tishri began a Jubilee year was itself a misreading of Leviticus 25:8-13. The rabbis of the post-Bar Kochba period, in an effort to “build a fence around the Law,”21 merely extended their misreading of Leviticus 25:8-13, which dealt only with the year of Jubilee, to the regular Sabbath year.

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Sabbath Year – Tishri Fallacy-Part 1

For those who are interested in observing the Sabbath years it would be very beneficial, at least from Yahweh’s perspective, to know what month actually begins the Sabbath year, Abib or Tishri.

There are many who actually believe that the Sabbath year begins with the seventh month of Tishri and not with the first month of Abib (Nisan).

It has also been extrapolated by many that not only should Sabbath years commence according to a Tishri reckoning but that every year should begin with the seventh month of Tishri.

If one believes that such a notion is found in Scriptures, then it is suggested that one take a closer look at the relevant facts of the matter.

In order to addess this issue we must contend with the concept that the Jews, from the time of their return to Judaea from Babylon in 538 B.C.E. until the end of the Bar Kochba revolt (135 C.E.), officially began their Sabbath years with Tishri 1 (Sep./Oct.) of the sixth year of the Sabbath cycle, as had become their custom sometime after the Bar Kochba war.

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Sabbath Years and Jubilees-Irrelevant?

For quite some time now, the serious student of Yahweh’s sacred calendar has recognized that there is a lack of knowledge and understanding regarding the scriptural concept of the Sabbath and Jubilee Years.

It seems that, for many, this subject is irrelevant for us today.

We at the Yahu Ranger Report would have to strongly disagree with those adhering to this “Irrelevant” attitude.

Therefore, to illustrate the importance of the Sabbath years and Jubilees as proclaimed in Scriptures and its relevance for us today, the following has been extracted from the publication by Qadesh La Yahweh Press titled “The Sabbath and Jubilee Cycle.”

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